Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Earth Charter

The Earth Charter

The Earth Charter is an international declaration of fundamental values and principles considered useful by its supporters for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century.

The Earth Charter talked about how we should be thankful we have such a great planet to live on and that it is our responsibility to take care of it.  Instead of taking care of it we are destroying it.  The way I look at it is, nearly every neighborhood has that one maybe two houses that their owners just do not take care of at all.  They look horrible and the other neighbors cannot understand how the owners wouldn’t take care of the house they live in, but humanity as a whole is doing exactly that to our home, the Earth.  We constantly pollute and tear up our home, neglecting to take care of it.
The Earth Charter acknowledges principles, ecological integrity, social and economic justice, democracy, nonviolence and peace as well as the way forward. Being able to protect and restore the world one day and one community at a time is the way to sustain and protect the planet. One principle I related to generation values, traditions and long term flourishing to continue generation upon generation. I use at home values and traditions especially along the lines of medicine. Once I would develop cold like symptoms, the doctor was the last resort, so I would keep on family and health traditions such as hot teas, home made honey syrup and chicken soup. Keeping life healthy as well as a healthy lifestyle can protect your body and planet.

The Earth Charter is a set of principles and guidelines that aims to preserve not only our planet's well-being and resources, but our species as well. The Charter lays out a clear set of steps necessary to make everything talked about possible.

I was very surprised that this class period when discussing about Earth Charter because we were able to discussion our earth footprint. My earth footprint was very high, over 4 earths to maintain my current lifestyle since everything I do on a daily basis is an effect on earth. I learned how much I have to change my habits in order for the earth to thrive and improve.

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