Sunday, March 12, 2017

Lee County Waste to Energy Plant

Lee County Waste to Energy Plant

All of the household garbage collected in Lee and Hendry counties eventually ends up at the Lee County Resource Recovery Facility, where it is sorted for reusable and recyclable materials. The lowest value waste is brought to the Waste-To-Energy Plant where, for the last 20 years, it has been converted to electricity through combustion.

Creating Energy

Being able to bring local garage and objects to the Lee County Resource Recovery Facility changes garbage and our wastes to resources, energy, power and light. Being able to reduce, reuse and recycle local goods and wastes, not only makes our lives sustainable but we are able to give back to the community and the earth. The more resources such as tires, can build up so much energy and bring it back to the county. Being able to reuse resources can not only make our lives healthy, but reduce wastes. If other communities around the country can reuse wastes instead of burning them, we can become sustainable as a whole.

Local Wastes

Being able to enjoy the waste management plant was left as the most interesting trip for last. One thing that was very interesting to learn was not only the entire process but that local people in Lee County have five days to have their trash and wastes to be picked up and for free. I think this is a great way to ensure that people don't find other means of getting rid of things they don't want or need.

Environmental Planning

We visited the Lee County Solid Waste-to-energy plant on our last field trip. This field trip was very informative and surprising to me. We went into a meeting room and were given a presentation about the plant. The presenter went into great detail describing exactly what that plant was NOT, which is an incinerator or "dump". Apparently this is a common misconception that hurts their reputation a great deal. 

When we went inside the facility we were told that there was little to no smell, although I found that turned out to be pretty subjective once we got into the unloading area. We got to see the crane/claw and massive pit area, and then moved through the furnace. After seeing the furnace we got to see the control area and learn what goes on behind the scenes at the facility. I learned that this facility is one of many that is for the most part completely sustainable. 

Resource Center

The Waste Management field trip was not what I expected at all.  I had the mindset of the incinerator instead of a massive power supply.  It was really interesting how much technology went into the process of getting rid of all the waste.  I previously thought that the plant simply got rid of the waste in the most eco-friendly way they could.  I did not know that they actually used the process to create an enormous amount of energy.  I personally think that the state and federal government should be helping and financially supporting waste removal facilities to operate in this same fashion.  It would not only create less pollution from all the waste, but it could also power a large amount of the countries electricity.

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